Hi, I'm Dalia!

Hi there, I’m Dalia! I’m a Registered Dietitian, women’s health specialist, and functional medicine practitioner. I know what it’s like to struggle with digestive issues, a poor relationship with food, period problems, and weight cycling. I used to obsess over food and dieting, which further exasperated my digestive issues. I felt frustrated, lost, and tired of not having any answers. So, I searched for them myself and became my own healer! Since then, I’ve been on a mission to help busy women heal their metabolism and their gut to live a symptom-free life!

As an integrated and functional medicine dietitian, I use my understanding of the human body, my love for food, and my passion for living life to the fullest to empower others to step into the body they can be proud to live in. I’ll help you uncover and correct the underlying imbalances that are causing your symptoms by using specialized testing, personalized nutrition and lifestyle strategies, and targeted supplementation. My approach is holistic, meaning it looks at you as a whole person as opposed to solely focusing on a diagnosis.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to nutrition. You're unique, and your diet should be too. I create customized nutrition plans based on your goals, food preferences, culture, health history, and lifestyle. I take a non-diet approach and help you foster a healthy relationship with food and ditch fad diets for good.

Contact me for a free discovery call today to explore how I can support you along your healing journey!
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Hi, I'm Dalia!

Hi there, I’m Dalia! I’m a Registered Dietitian, women’s health specialist, and functional medicine practitioner. I know what it’s like to struggle with digestive issues, a poor relationship with food, period problems, and weight cycling. I used to obsess over food and dieting, which further exasperated my digestive issues. I felt frustrated, lost, and tired of not having any answers. So, I searched for them myself and became my own healer! Since then, I’ve been on a mission to help busy women heal their metabolism and their gut to live a symptom-free life!

As an integrated and functional medicine dietitian, I use my understanding of the human body, my love for food, and my passion for living life to the fullest to empower others to step into the body they can be proud to live in. I’ll help you uncover and correct the underlying imbalances that are causing your symptoms by using specialized testing, personalized nutrition and lifestyle strategies, and targeted supplementation. My approach is holistic, meaning it looks at you as a whole person as opposed to solely focusing on a diagnosis.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to nutrition. You're unique, and your diet should be too. I create customized nutrition plans based on your goals, food preferences, culture, health history, and lifestyle. I take a non-diet approach and help you foster a healthy relationship with food and ditch fad diets for good.

Contact me for a free discovery call today to explore how I can support you along your healing journey!
Book A Call

I understand you, because I've been there. 

If you're tired of spinning your wheels jumping from doctor to doctor, supplement to supplement, and diet to diet and STILL have yet to find relief, you've come to the right place. Maybe you feel completely lost and hopeless. I promise you aren't broken, and I am ready to dig deep with you so that you are able to find healing FOR GOOD.

This program is for you if you're:

  • A busy, health-focused woman
  • Tired of the guesswork and need a proven step-by-step process
  • Dedicated to making sustainable, practical changes to your diet and lifestyle
  • Ready to invest in your health and take complete control over your healing journey

This program is NOT for you if you're:

  • Only looking for quick, temporary solutions or restrictive diets
  • No open to making changes to your diet and lifestyle
  • Not willing or able to take supplements
  • Not able to make changes to your diet or lifestyle 

Reclaim Your Health Premium Coaching

Work one-on-one with me to help you uncover the root causes of your symptoms, master your metabolism, and lose weight for good!

Apply to Work with dalia

FREE Gut-Healing Guide!

Jumpstart your health journey with my top 10 tips to heal your gut!